Posted by: diyfengshui | March 1, 2014

2014 Cures Packet for Success!

Well, its been a wild ride so far into this New Year of the Horse.    I had been busy the whole month of January and February with helping clients update their homes or businesses with 2014 cures.  We all find we do better with them.  Energies  shift each year and some are not so good.  We, in feng shui believe we can mitigate the bad and enhance the good ones with the Flying Star System.Horse

If you practice Black Hat Sect or Western Feng Shui, you won’t need to  worry about this, but if you practice Flying Star, Compass or Time Space Feng Shui (all the same thing), then you will want to implement these.  In my practice I have found these profoundly effective.  Even if you are a novice but know how to use a hiker’s compass or your Iphone/Android compass app, you can do this.

I basically summarize the information down to just the application part.  I have  also added a resource where you can find many of the cures.  It is a store I created on  amazon.

Go to:  Just order from there.  I will continue to update this throughout the year.  Its to give you ideas and suggestions.  Amazon pulls from all the asian websites and their prices are great.

So here you go:  You will need to know the directions of your space.  Stand outside your front door with your compass and take a reading.  With your phone, place it in front of you.  Once you know what direction your house is facing then you can apply the rest.

2014 flying star chart

Let’s Start with the Challenging Stars.  You need to place a cure in the direction of the four bad afflictions this year which are SE, E, NE, and NW.  The direction, problem, and cure are listed.

Southeast  3 Quarrel Star

Gossip, lawsuits, slander, politicking, legal disputes. Depression for women.  Arguments for teenagers.

Needs  fire so lights, red colors, red crystals, red quan yins, red happy buddhas.  Since it is money sector, money frog, dragonturtle, or wealth vase (place things with money in a vase, bowl, or jar).

East 2 Black Illness Star

Needs 6 rod metal windchime; 6 chinese coins, moving metal; wu luo gourd; Salt water cure here.

Northeast  7 Robbery Star

Very serious energy for violence, theft, and deception.

Needs water.  Add Blue rhinos, water, or water figures.  Keep quiet.

Northwest  Danger 5 Yellow Star

Severe injury, mishaps, accidents, money loss.

Add moving metal, 6 chinese coins, windchimes. Wu luo gourd. No candles, loud noise, or disturbance.  Salt water cure here.

Good Stars!

Enhance your space with these highly positive stars.  Use these areas as much as possible.

South- 8 Wealth Star

Great opportunity and success and wealth luck.  Benefits for education and writers and advancement.  Grand Duke moves in this sector so no digging up the earth or major remodeling in the area this year.

Needs earth.  Add crystals, feng shui gem or crystal trees, and lights, wealth vase, prosperity frog, or  Dragon turtle.

Center- 4 Sexy Luck Star

Romance, Love, sales, PR, marketing, and writing opportunities.

Add water symbols, fish, conch, shells,  symbols of double happiness, pairs of mandarin ducks, love birds, rose quartz, or  lucky bamboo, to bring in love and creative or educational benefits.  Activate Love with compatible animal.  4 Peach Blossom Animals:

Here is your peach blossom sign and the sign to activate it:

Rat, Dragon, and Monkey is  Rooster
Ox, Rooster and Snake is  Horse
Tiger, Horse and Dog is  Rabbit
Rabbit, Sheep, Pig is  Rat

So, if you are a Monkey, add a Rooster to the center of your home for more romance luck.

North- 9 Purple Luck

This star muliplies good luck.  Good luck for business.  Good luck for pregnancy.  It is also the location of the 3 Killings so do not have your back to this direction. 

Promote with flowers, symbols of wealth, or red objects.  Add wealth bowl, elephants, gold coins, gold  or jade buddhas, prosperity frogs, dragonturtles, lucky bamboo, or crystal trees.

Southwest- 1 White Good Fortune

Triumph, promotion, opportunity, beating the competition.

Add water elements or metal (wu luo gourd).  Prosperity frogs, water fountains, aquariums.  Place a water fountain in SW part of garden or home.

Sleeping in this area, great.  Women will earn more $$$ this year.   House facing this area, super!

West – 6 Heaven Star

Good fortune and help from powerful people.  Good for promotion. 

Add 6 chinese coins (gold preferred), metal, bells.

Find compatible animal to your chinese sign and add it to your space for added luck!  Place on your desk at home or work or on bedside table.

If you are a Rat, add a Monkey,Ox, Dragon, or Pig                                                                                  

Rooster- Ox, Dragon,Snake

Rabbit-Pig, Sheep, Dog

Horse- Sheep or Dog

Tiger- Dog, Pig

Snake- Monkey or Rooster

Boar/Pig- Tiger or Rabbit

Sheep/Goat- Rabbit, Horse, Pig

Dragon- Horse, Monkey, Rooster

Ox-Snake, Monkey, Rooster

Dog- Tiger, Rabbit, or Horse



Use a good compass.

When applying cures you make or buy yourself make sure you stay close to the element needed.  Water, Metal, Earth, Fire, etc.

Determine your home’s facing direction to start.

Smudge or wash any old cures from last year if you are re-using them.

Write New Intentions for 2014

Place an Intention when you apply any cure.  If you place a blue rhino, say, “I am safe and protected all year”.

*For directions on how to create a salt water cure, read our earlier blog,

If you need help, we are here for you.  We can do phone consults or on-site visits to help you implement these.  It is best to do these at Chinese New Year but anytime is good.  Sooner the better into this year will bring you more success.

Our After New Year Special:

Implement 2014 Cures- $375.00.  This is far less than a full feng shui consultation yet can energize and help you attract success in 2014.  It is a 2 hr. session.

Phone sessions:  $175.00 an hour.

Happy Year of the Horse.  May it be joyful and abundant in everyway!

Fortunate Blessings,

Belinda Mendoza

“Urban Feng Shui Master”, Teacher, Speaker, Author

Author of “Feng Shui For The Loss of a Pet, Restoring Balance during Grief and Loss”

Reiki Master and Teacher

Residential and Commercial Spaces

Design, Redesign, Decor, Staging, and Space Clearing Services


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