Posted by: diyfengshui | July 30, 2013

Feng Shui Tips For Changing Careers

When you have lost a job or been laid off, it can be the most stressful time because you were not prepared for it.  If you see it as an opportunity for newer and better things, you can attract even more success and fulfillment.Career pic

Sometimes we want a new career due to a lifestyle change or we are just plain tired of what we have been doing?  We want things like more money,  fun,  creativity, or a different work environment.  Whatever the reason, it is your soul’s calling, your inner passion, your higher self, trying to get your attention.  It is saying, “look alive, there is something better on the horizon and its on its way”.


When I decided to leave my corporate job of over 15 yrs. it was a very hard decision.  While I made great money,  I knew I wanted something different, more creative, more empowering.  I felt my skills were not appreciated and I was overworked.  I traveled extensively and wanted a break.  I made the decision to leave and have not looked back.

Here are some Feng Shui things I did that made that transition easier and more successful.  

1) Make a Decision and Stick with It.   Once I decided to leave, I was steadfast knowing there would be people like my sales force, my bosses, my friends, parents, etc.  trying to talk me out of it.

2) Get Support.  I went to a career therapist/coach before I resigned.  You could have a good friend, a mentor, or someone in your networking group you can run your ideas by.  Make sure they are positive people who are already successful and happy in their careers who will support your change.

3)Have a Lifeline.  Make sure you have enough funds to support your change.  Maybe you try a new career because  it is really what you want to do but the pay is lower than you are used to.  You might not take it because you did not allow yourself some elbow room to live while you build up your savings.  Severance pay, savings, a spouse’s income, etc. Leaving a job with no parachute is incredibly stressful and will make a new career or a self-employment opportunity difficult to take off.  I had two years of living expenses in savings to live on if I made no money in my new endeavor.  Fortunately, I did not need to use it.  This is different for everyone.

4) Feng Shui Your Space.  Once I decided to leave, I removed all things in my home office from my past.  Old sales awards on the wall, books, tapes, files, etc. from my old company.  I “cleaned house”.  I put up things for the new opportunity as a Feng Shui Consultant.  I had a print of an article that had recently been written on me.  I framed it and put it on my South wall (Fame).  If  looking for a new job, find a posting of an ideal job with right pay, location, etc.   Print it out and post it on the South Wall of your office.  See that job as yours!

Within days of my resigning, I got a call from a client who landed up being my anchor/referral client for years.  I feng shui-ed her home and she referred many people to me.  It was my sign from the universe that I had made the right move.  Interestingly, she was an MD.  I worked in the medical device industry for about 20 yrs.  There was no connection with her to my old companies… she just called me out of the blue.

Join our FREE Teleclass Series beginning on Thursday, August 8th, 2013.  For more details and to hear about future ones, join our mailing list at

Our First class with be about Feng Shui For Career Transition where I will give specific advice on things to add to your office to help move energy in the direction you desire.

For more assistance on your career transition or to Feng Shui Your Home Office  for success, contact us.  We offer a Free 30 minute phone assessment by appt.

Successful Transitions!

Belinda Mendoza

Feng Shui Master, Teacher

Sales/Marketing Coach and Mentor

Design For Energy


Design For Energy

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